Strengthening the Bond: Certify Canine's Mission

At Certify Canine, we believe in the extraordinary human animal bond. These incredible canine companions aren't just pets; they're partners in freedom, offering crucial support through animal assisted therapy and independence to individuals with disabilities. In the intricate world of service and facility dogs, finding your path can be challenging. We're here to light the way.

Addressing the Growing Demand

With the increasing need for service and facility dogs, the landscape is rapidly expanding. Yet, the lack of a standardized regulatory body overseeing training, certification, and travel intricacies often leaves individuals and organizations navigating a maze of confusion. Certify Canine emerges as a beacon of guidance in this space. Our dedicated team of experts is passionately committed to assisting service dog owners, facility dog handlers, and the public in understanding the nuances of certification and rights.

Our Approach to Empowering Partnerships

Here's our strategy for making a significant impact:
  • Standardized Certification Process: We've developed a certification framework in collaboration with experienced dog trainers, service dog providers, and ADA law experts. This structured approach clarifies the pathway for a dog's transition into a service animal role.
  • Innovative Insurance Solutions: For the first time, all service and facility animals certified through our process gain access to unique insurance options, covering both liability for service dogs and comprehensive health care. This groundbreaking offering is unprecedented in the service and facility animal sector. .
Guiding Principles for Success:
  • Unlocking Confidence through Education: We provide handlers with detailed insights into service dog rights, diverse training methodologies, and legal stipulations. This knowledge builds confidence and empowers individuals to stand up for their rights.
  • Demystifying the Service Dog Experience: Our engaging workshops, informative articles, and user-friendly resources aim to close the gap between service dogs and society, promoting understanding and acceptance. .
  • Advocating for Clear Regulations: We stand at the forefront of advocating for standardization within the service dog industry, pushing for regulations that are accessible, transparent, and equitable.

Whether your companion was trained by a professional organization or through your own efforts, we believe in fostering a collaborative, educated, and supportive environment. By uniting our efforts, we envision a society where service and facility dogs are universally recognized, esteemed, and empowered to accomplish their vital roles.

At Certify Canine, we're not just facilitating certifications; we're building a community where every service and facility dog team thrives. Join us in creating a future where the remarkable potential of every human-animal partnership is fully realized.

Meet our Team

Blake Woody, Co-Founder

Seasoned dog trainer and owner of her own service dog. Her passion for the human-animal bond developed in cultivating a community of like-minded individuals who invested in creating sustainable change in the mental health and service dog space.

Sam Marti, Co-Founder

Experienced dog trainer who has a passion for finding creative solutions to behavioral challenges. Sam has successfully addressed various issues and improved obedience in dogs of all breeds and sizes. With a deep understanding of the importance of the human-animal relationship, Sam strives to create lasting connections built on trust, boundaries, and advocacy for human and dog alike.

Meet our Advisors