A Standard for Certifications

Certify Canine is a qualifier company that provides a standard in testing for Task-Based Service Dogs and Facility Dogs. Our process qualifies individuals and their dogs for working dog liability insurance. We fulfill the need for a 3rd party certification process that fulfills the need unmet by state and federal agencies.

  • Creating and aligning with evolving regulations and standards within the working dog industry to ensure consistent quality and safety.
  • Advocating for greater access to working dogs across various sectors of the community, including service, facility, and therapy dogs, by supporting handlers and owners through insurance solutions that recognize the unique roles these dogs play.
  • Demystifying the role of service dogs in supporting invisible illnesses, thereby broadening the acceptance and understanding of these vital companions.


Our Process

Our comprehensive three-step process is designed to guide you through registration, testing, and finally, membership, ensuring you and your dog meet the highest standards of qualification and training.
Registration Process


Join Our Community

Become part of a dedicated network of certified handlers and dogs that uphold the highest standards of service and facility dog training and care. Start your journey today and unlock the full potential of your partnership with your dog.